ok... and now... here is the PR in my house i've been wanting to tell you all about...
its a fat, lazy, fat, furry, fat, adorable, fat, cute cat that ventured into our house when we were staying in Gombak not long ago. that time it was still a kitten but now!!! its super huge already!!
that day sabastian came to my house and he thought i have a dog in my house. that's how big it is. yeah...
when it came into the house the first time, we(well, my parents actually) gave it some food, and then it just became part of the family. and when we moved out, we figured out that it won't be able to survive by its own as it was too used to being fed and all.
so we gave it to my mom's sister who took care of it for a few months until they too, had to shift house. when we got it back it was twice as large compared to the last time we saw it.
then we gave it to my elder sister(Christina's) friend, who took care of it like as if it's a prince. weekly bath, regular visits to the vet, a LARGE double storey cage, cat manicure(or is it pedicure?), CAT SPA(my God, the cat is livin a more luxurious life than i am...) and lots of other things...
my sister's friend's maid ran out of contract so she said that she might not be able to take care of it properly, so she handed it back to us, and now, this little(maybe not so little) prince is staying with us.
what the hell???i haven't even told you all his name!!!
well, his(yea its a he) name is...
yea, we figured that he looks a bit like a lion except for the fact that he does not have a mane like Aslan in The Chronicles of Narnia...
This is him feeling a bit naked and cold and dressed to impress
ok... don't pay attention to me and my pillow...it's a superman pillow actually, kinda worn out d...
This is his favourite spot for sleeping, resting, chilling...the PC chair...oh yeah, an interesting story...
two weeks ago i woke up in the morning and usually when i wake up i'll go switch on the computer and while waiting for it to configure and all that crap, i'll go do all the mornin things...and then i'll check my mail n facebook n fantasy football n all.(maxis broadband is best at that time...)
so i got up, opened my door room,and there was Leo in front of my room door...
Leo looked up at me...
i looked down at Leo...
Leo looked up at me...
both of us looked at each other for a few seconds...
then Leo got up and sprinted and jumped on the PC chair and lay there!!!
i guess he's too used to my routine and doesn't wanna give me the chair that particular morning...that wasn't the first time though...
oh..this is a photo of his fur close-up...looks more like a Persian carpet, doesn't it?
this is him trying to look like a Levi's model...
this is him trying to look like David Beckham in a Brylcreem poster...
this is him aware that my sister(Pauline) was snapping a photo of him and he's like..."check out my sexy body!!!"
so this is Leo, the stray cat that is really loved by my family members and also every Tom, Dick and Harry who visit my house.
i'm always complaining about him making a mess(he loves sleeping in my room while i'm not around) and making noises all the time,
but if we lose him,
all of us will be feeling miserable...
he's still a fat, lazy cat!!!